Nursery is the educational stage that includes P3, P4 and P5. The objective of this stage is to provide children with comprehensive and necessary training and give them tools to help them be and act autonomously, to think and communicate, to discover and have initiative and to live and live the world.
At this age, children are learning at many levels and developing different skills: cognitive, motor, social, emotional and affective skills. At the same time they are also developing their own personality. From the school we offer you a cozy, open and flexible space with resources and teaching-learning situations that stimulate this development, satisfying your child’s needs while respecting their maturation pace.
We are a solid team of people aware of the importance of our teaching responsibility. We are qualified with pedagogical training for this specific educational stage and we are in permanent training to improve our daily work. We are a school that values and takes a close care of the relationship with children and families, and that is why communication and participation is one of our priorities. At school we accompany you along this path in which your child is the protagonist of their own learning. In this sense, we let the families into the classroom at different times to participate in their children’s teaching-learning process.
We use active methodologies based on participation, observation and experimentation, manipulation and cooperative work through activities that foster dialogue, critical awareness, responsibility and which take into account the different intelligences.
Starting from the student’s previous knowledge, we then ask new questions about what we want to know, that follows with individual or group investigation to find answers and enhance more questions. Finally, students reflect on what they have learned and how they have learned it. We give great importance to coexistence and for this reason we carry out many group dynamics that make learning and relationship between peers easier. Nursery school concludes with sleep-away camps that show the work that has been done on coexistence throughout the stage.
Nursery is the educational stage that includes P3, P4 and P5. The objective of this stage is to provide children with comprehensive and necessary training and give them tools to help them be and act autonomously, to think and communicate, to discover and have initiative and to live and live the world.
At this age, children are learning at many levels and developing different skills: cognitive, motor, social, emotional and affective skills. At the same time they are also developing their own personality. From the school we offer you a cozy, open and flexible space with resources and teaching-learning situations that stimulate this development, satisfying your child’s needs while respecting their maturation pace.
We are a solid team of people aware of the importance of our teaching responsibility. We are qualified with pedagogical training for this specific educational stage and we are in permanent training to improve our daily work. We are a school that values and takes a close care of the relationship with children and families, and that is why communication and participation is one of our priorities. At school we accompany you along this path in which your child is the protagonist of their own learning. In this sense, we let the families into the classroom at different times to participate in their children’s teaching-learning process.
Behavioral guidelines that will allow students to be more autonomous, improve coexistence with others and acquire new learning. Habits provide them with security, tranquility, balance and willingness to learn.
The experience during the first days at school play a vital part in children’s lives since they have to perceive it as friendly and safe space. That is why we have two teachers in the classroom during the first weeks of the term to ensure a successful adjustment to school.
We organize the classroom in small groups, each of which performs a specific task. They can be based on working or playing. In this way, boys and girls learn to work in teams, collaborate and share knowledge. All this allows us to dedicate more individualized attention to each child, planning learning activities adapted to their previous knowledge.
We start learning English since first year of nursery school. Games, songs, crafts and routines introduce us to the phonetics and the use of this language. We also have an English conversational assistant in P4 and P5 that works hand in hand with the tutor during “Kids and arts”.
Through the use of bluebots and other games, students are introduced to the technological language that helps them structure their thinking.
At every stage of nursery school we work on abilities and attitudes such as movement, coordination, balance, effort, frustration, socialization, etc, We do this through dancing, playing, circuits, storytelling, relaxation and varied games.
Through singing and dancing students learn to pay attention to music and are introduced to the music culture.
We carry out activities to encourage reading habits and the pleasure of reading. Travelling suitcases, book explorers and classroom libraries take us through this discovery.
Emotional aspects, internal dimension and social abilities are systematically addressed with all the students, inside and outside the classroom, in order to improve coexistence and to achieve a calm and harmonious school environment.
The DOE team (Departament d’Orientació Escolar) is formed of a psychologist and two special education teachers. This team goes into the classroom to detect and reinforce any special educational needs of the children who require it. This department gives counseling and support to the teachers and families who need it.
P3 and P4 students enjoy the canteen service in their own classroom. This ensures the peace and quiet during lunch break.
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